
"Children’s mathematics achievement trajectories are established in the early primary grades, and children who begin elementary school behind their peers in mathematics tend to fall further behind over time" (Lewis Presser, Clements, Ginsburg & Ertle, 2015, p. 400).

Children in Ontario are extremely fortunate to have an early chance at developing their mathematical skills with Full Day Kindergarten starting at the Junior Kindergarten level. As Educators, we have many resources and tools we can use to ensure that our students get the proper start with their mathematical learning, so that they can be successful in mathematics as they continue their education.

Please enjoy a slideshow put together by Anne-Marie Carosella, Kara Ford, and myself (Michelle Stemmler).

Collaborative Group #4


Lewis Presser, A., Clements, M., Ginsburg, H., & Ertle, B. (2015). Big math for little kids: The effectiveness of a preschool and kindergarten mathematics curriculum. Early Education and Development, 26(3), 399-426. doi:10.1080/10409289.2015.994451